Imperfection is beauty, Maddness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring

Power of Positive

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Free your mind and your ass will follow.
— Funkadelic

You have the power to think positively or negatively about any given situation. These thoughts change your perspective of the situation, your reality, and frequently the outcome. Now thinking positively is not always easy, but the trick is to surround yourself with good and control when you can. This is why I choose to flood my Facebook Newsfeed, Instagram, bookshelves, and general vicinity, with uplifting thought, positive twist, and wholesome nature.

This is my purpose here; to share with you the positivity I fill my life with and let it spill over to you!

Fill your Facebook and Instagram Newsfeed with Power of Positive at MaddInspiration and Lady M May!

Join our positive newsletter (Mondays are better tackled with a smile)!

Bit by bit, moment by moment, situation by situation, with practice you can start seeing the positive everywhere.

MaddInspiration Homebase

Need some regular positivity and brain food in your life?

Let me flood your Facebook feed or Instagram Page for regular pick me ups throughout the day!

Are you in a Funk?

Things not going your way? 

Kinda want to lay on the couch and bing watch TV?

No worries, that happens to the best of us! Click here for my best tips to Unfunk yourself and get going again!

Maddie Monday Motivation

Are Monday's the worst? NOPE, not when you get me in your Inbox at 5am. Join this list to get 1 email a week from me to spin your week into a positive and self exploratory spiral!